S-3400 SB 203580, Free Base, >99%

  • Size
  • US $
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  • 25 mg
  • 63
  • 57
  • 48
  • 9,700
  • Add to Cart Qty:
  • In stock
  • 50 mg
  • 82
  • 75
  • 63
  • 12,600
  • Add to Cart Qty:
  • In stock
  • 100 mg
  • 147
  • 135
  • 114
  • 22,600
  • Add to Cart Qty:
  • In stock
  • 200 mg
  • 256
  • 235
  • 198
  • 39,400
  • Add to Cart Qty:
  • In stock
  • 500 mg
  • 597
  • 549
  • 463
  • 91,800
  • Add to Cart Qty:
  • In stock
  • 1 g
  • 963
  • 885
  • 748
  • 148,100
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  • In stock

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  • M.W. 377.43
  • C21H16FN3OS
  • [152121-47-6]
  • M.I. A

Storage: Store at or below -20 ºC. Solubility: Soluble in DMSO at 100 mg/mL; soluble in ethanol at 12.5 mg/mL with warming; very poorly soluble in water; maximum solubility in plain water is estimated to be about 10-50 µM; buffers, serum, or other additives may increase or decrease the aqueous solubil.

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  • More than 1,000 labs worldwide have purchased SB 203580 from LC Labs (either directly from us or from our many distributors, many of whom resell under their own labels).
  • Important, highly specific inhibitor of the kinase known variously as p38, p40, CSBP, or RK. This kinase is a homolog of MAP kinase. Gallagher, T.F., et al. "2,4,5-Triarylimidazole inhibitors of Il-1 biosynthesis." Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 5: 1171-1176 (1995). Cuenda, A., et al. "SB203580 is a specific inhibitor of MAP kinase homologue which is stimulated by cellular stresses and interleukin-1." FEBS Lett.. 364: 229-233 (1995). Hazzalin, C.A., et al. "Effects of the inhibition of p38/RK MAP kinase on induction of five fos and jun genes by diverse stimuli." Oncogene 15: 2321-2331 (1997).
  • Sold for laboratory or manufacturing purposes only; not for human, medical, veterinary, food, or household use.